Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Wow, look at it coming down out there! Still covered in snow from the last storm we’re now expected to get another heavy coating of the white stuff. If you have to drive in this snow, be careful because in a split second you can go from straight ahead to sideways in a hurry. One moment, everything is fine and the next moment you’re waste-deep in trouble. A quick assessment finds a dented door, a broken head light, a flat tire and snow packed all the way up to the fenders. “Now what?” you say to yourself. Now you need help! It’s time to make the call, but make sure you call the right person or bad can go to worse quick!
You know everyday we drive the roads of life and we have to be careful too don’t we? I mean one second life is grand and the next we’re waste-deep in trouble. Who do we call on to help out? Make the right call! Your life may depend on it!

“Arise, call on your God. Perhaps your God will consider us, so that we may not perish”
Jonah 1:6

When we find ourselves off the road and stuck in sin we’ll soon find out that the dented door is now dented character. The broken headlight is now a broken relationship. The flat tire is now a life of flat line living and the snow packed up to the fenders becomes additional sin quickly approaching neck level, ready to suffocate us!
Now when we get off course in driving we call AAA or the local tow truck without a thought don’t we? Well when we find ourselves waste-deep in sin, we need to make sure that we call the right tow truck. Now Jesus doesn’t show up in a tow truck but you can be sure that He’ll show up (1 John 1:9).
But just how many times have we called on Jesus because we found ourselves off the road, off His path in the same exact place as yesterday, as the day before, as last week? Maybe it’s time to slow down or even take another route?
This change of course is called repentance and is expected in the life of the Christian. It ensures that we stay the path and avoid becoming sideways in sin. Now when we’ve driven the same way for so long, it becomes hard to change our mind about our chosen direction, but be sure of this; when we allow God to steer our lives we can be certain that He’ll get us home safe! And if you find yourself stuck and a little banged up, make the call to God, because He’s been fixing wrecks forever and His work is guaranteed!