Wednesday, December 30, 2009


“Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved, put on tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering; bearing with one another, and forgiving one another, if anyone has a complaint against another; even as Christ forgave you, so you also must do. But above all these things put on love, which is the bond of perfection.”
Colossians 3:12-14

Have you ever noticed just how much a uniform makes a difference? Think about it. You’re in a large department store and you can’t find something, what do you do? You look for a person wearing a uniform because they’ll know where to go to find just what you’re seeking. If we find ourselves in distress or danger, the sight of a police officer or firefighter brings us comfort and we know them by their uniform. Uniforms are usually made to stand out in some way or another. The one in uniform is different in some way from those without one.
The Apostle Paul refers to us as the “elect of God” which means that we are called by God, chosen and set apart. Christians are not called to wear uniforms as those listed above might but the Apostle Paul did encourage us to “put on” certain things that would set us apart from others. These were more than just “things”; these were to be the markings of true Christian character.
Paul says we’re to put on tenderness and kindness, being called to show the same compassion that Christ showed those in the gospels. We’re also instructed to be humble and meek placing others needs above ours when given the opportunity. We are called also to be longsuffering, meaning that we are not to look at people as thieves of our patience but as people who need the same care as we once did prior to coming to Jesus Christ. With what patience did God show you? We are to extend others the same.
And what about that piece of the uniform that seems to bring it all together, that leaves us no doubt of who “they are”. Christians have that too! Paul says in vs14 that it’s Love. Love is the piece that perfects us! Love is that defining garment that comes from God Himself.
It’s amazing how uniforms change so frequently due to style but that’s what great about the clothing that God gives us to wear, they never go out of style and they’re always the right fit!

Pastor Seth <><

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We carry so many habits from our childhood with us don’t we? We often go where everyone told us not to go and we often do what everyone said not to do. And then when we’ve “gone there” and “done that” we’re left looking around to see if anyone saw us? The question looms in our minds…. “Did I get away with it?” Yes, maybe you did but only for the moment, for although human eyes miss so many things the eyes of God see all. So that makes you and I …..BUSTED, BUSTED, BUSTED!

“One day after Moses had grown up he went out to where his own people were and watched them at their hard labor. He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his own people. Glancing this way and that and seeing no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand.” Exodus 2:11-12

Wrong is wrong no matter who sees and who doesn’t. I read a definition of character once and I thought it was right on. It defined character as this: Character is who you are in the dark! Our character is formed inside of us and expressed by our values, beliefs and priorities which then are shown outwardly by the way we handle ourselves in our day to day lives. There were many times in the Gospels that we saw Jesus by Himself. He was alone on the mountain facing the devils temptations (Matt 4) and in the garden prior to His arrest (Matt 26). In His moments by Himself, Jesus still maintained His character and sinless life. How easily it would have been to give into the devil on the mountaintop, how easily it would have been to deny His destiny in the garden, after all no one was there, no one would know, right? Wrong, God the Father would know what Jesus did and God the Father, who sees and knows all, knows our hidden sins.
Sometimes we make the mistake of believing that we can somehow get away with our sin, that if no one sees it there’s no crime. Remember the old question, “If a tree falls in the forest and no one’s there to hear it, does it make a sound?” Some of us do things with the same question looming in the background, “if no one saw me do it, where’s the harm?” We need to understand that one day we will give account for all our sins. We need to know that we don’t leave sin behind; it becomes a part of us when it becomes un-confessed sin. Hidden sin, un-confessed sin can eventually drown out the Holy Spirits workings in our life. Sin wraps us up and eventually paralyzes us (Hebrews 12:1).
But when we willingly present our sins to God and confess our mistakes, God forgives us and Christ heals the wounds caused by our sin. “If we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong.” 1 John 1:9
So let us not continue to go through our lives being “BUSTED” but let us go forward being “FILLED” by God’s forgiveness and healing.
Pastor Seth <><

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Better Gift

“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it.” Matthew 16:24-25

This past week our 5 year old daughter Ella experienced another “first” in her life. Ella lost something that she’d been holding onto for over 4 years. She never went anywhere without it. She gave it special attention both in the morning and then again in the evening. No, it wasn’t her favorite blanket or even her best teddy bear. Ella lost her first tooth! It was so funny to watch her working that little tooth with her tongue, and then oh so gently working it back and forth with her finger. She swore up and down that losing that tooth would be the most painful experience ever but we assured her she’d somehow get through it. Most importantly we made her aware of the fact that in order for something stronger and more permanent to come in, something had to be given up. “My tooth” she asked. “Yes, your tooth.” I replied. She looked up and said, “Ok Daddy”. And then with some coaxing by me and the gentle hands of her mother, out it came and Ella was free of her tooth!
In our lives we too must often give up a few things in order to lay hold of others. That’s what the life of a Christian is all about. It’s us letting go of what we cannot keep so that we may possess that which cannot be taken from us. What is it we are called to give up? Jesus says simply in Matthew 16:24-25 that we must give up our life. Wow, that’s a pretty big request. Many cults have asked the same of their followers and unfortunately many innocent and misinformed lives have been lost in this manner. Is Jesus asking the same of us? Not exactly, Jesus indeed asks us to give up our lives but only to the extent that we give up our own agendas and selfish desires and instead take upon ourselves a mind and a heart like His. The Apostle Paul in Romans 12:1-2 urges us to be “living sacrifices” here on Earth. We are of great value to God here on Earth, spreading the gospel, and being the hands, feet and voice of Christ. We are here to “live” out our faith. It’s on Earth that we the church accomplish God’s greatest work, giving up the lesser to claim the better gift!
We all know that our lives are limited in just how much time is in them. We do not know how long we will be on this Earth and in that we see the reality that we cannot keep our lives. Willingly letting go of our lives results in laying hold of His for us and Jesus says in that sacrifice, true life is found (v25). We often think that “giving up” our lives means giving up everything that’s fun, fulfilling and pleasurable in our lives. God doesn’t want us living sad, empty and droll lives. He wants us to be happy but not at the expense of it costing us in the long run or harming us. He wants to eliminate anything from our lives that separate us from Him. Is that bad? No, I would say….that’s Love!
So what is it that you’re holding on to? What are you fighting to keep at the expense that it’s costing you that perfect relationship with Jesus Christ? Wiggle it, tug it, move it around and get rid of it so that you can take on something stronger more permanent that’s of God. Giving it up will only hurt for a little bit. Smile, Jesus is perfect at “filling in the gaps!” Pastor Seth <><

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


The other day I had the opportunity to tackle a home project that I had long been putting off. I had some extra time and decided that it was time to clean out the garage. I knew it would be a long project but felt that it was definitely time that it got done. The driving force behind this decision what the awareness of something that flat out stunk!! I was actually scared to find out what the root of the smell was but none the less, I ventured in focused on my task. Sometimes in our lives, there are hidden things that are flat out stinking up our building as well!! We have two choices.

1.) We can either try to ignore it and hope it goes away.
2.) Or we can tackle the task and eliminate the source of the problem.

“Then Jesus went into the temple of God and drove out all those who bought and sold in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of those who sold doves. And He said to them, “It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer…” Matthew 21:12-13

As I went about cleaning out my garage, I was surprised to see just how much junk I had accumulated. I found myself asking, “Now just what was I holding onto this for?” The problem with holding on to all that “junk” was that by making room for it, I was losing room to store those things that really are of value to me and my family. The only way I was going to have room for the stuff of value was to rid myself and my garage of the things that were taking up useless space and inevitably “stinking”.

Often times in our lives, we too are losing valuable space because we’re holding on to things that not only hold no real value but hinder us from claiming and storing up the true treasures that God wants us to hold onto. In Matthew 21:12-13, Jesus recognized that there were things in the temple that didn’t belong there. The temple was housing attitudes, mis-placed thinking and ultimately sin that didn’t have a place there. Jesus in a rage started to “Clean House” and there’s a lesson for us to learn here.

The Bible says that our bodies have become living temples (1 Cor. 3:16) and the truth is that we allow much to be housed in them that crowds out God and His purposes for us. Think about it. What is being stored in your houses and what is being left out.

1. Are our Saturday evening activities draining us to the point of finding ourselves too tired to attend church on Sunday?
2. Are our favorite T.V. shows more important than our weekly study and prayer time?
3. Is our quest for material things crowding out our responsibility to support the church and God’s Kingdom?

You see when we don’t make time to clean our insides; it will begin show on our outsides and inevitably start to stink. It is so important that our priorities in life always find God at the top of them. Right priorities begin with God, grow out of a consistent dependence on God and flourish as a result of our obedience to God. When we give God the right place in our lives, our lives will show it.

Take some time to take on the project of “Cleaning House” in your life. Ask God to bring to the forefront the useless things that are crowding out the things of God that He wants you to enjoy. After all it’s been said that “Cleanliness is the next closest thing to Godliness!”

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit with me.” Psalm 51:10

Pastor Seth <><

Monday, September 7, 2009

A Look In The Mirror

I notice as I get older, things start to change. Hair that was once always brown now is speckled with tinges of gray. A face that once was gleaming with youth now is creased with the wrinkles of time. I remember the slender more athletic me of my high school days but now standing in front of the mirror a rounder me stares back! I really don’t like that guy! That’s the thing about mirrors. They will project just what’s in front of them. We may imagine something else but the truth is staring us right in the face. Sometimes it takes standing in front of the mirror and examining ourselves to move us to make a change of some sort in our lives. It may be a haircut or color. It may be purchasing some of that anti-aging cream (which doesn’t work!). Examining ourselves may mean starting an exercise routine to get ourselves back into shape.
When it comes to our spiritual body, we too must take time to examine ourselves to see if we’re maintaining the likeness of Jesus Christ.

“Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.” Psalm 26:2-3

King David in the 26th Psalm recognized some things that were out of sorts in his life. He pleads for God to “test me” and “examine my heart and mind” so that he could be rid of anything that was hindering his life. David placed himself in front of the mirror and saw what he didn’t want to see, a life that needed forgiven, redeemed and restored.

When we stand in front of God, we are told that His love is always before us, shaping into the likeness of His beloved son Jesus Christ. We can choose to see what we want to see but we’re only fooling ourselves. We trick ourselves into believing that “we’re ok” and “at least I’m not as bad as….”. We don’t like what we see or what we’ve become and we choose to deny our problem. The real problem, change doesn’t happen until we initiate it.

As uncomfortable as it is, we must all step up to the mirror and take a look. We may not like the person staring back at us but God says “I can change you!” God is the ultimate “makeover specialist”. Today is the day of your makeover!

Father God, Forgive me if I’ve become anything but the child You’ve always wanted me to be. I pray today that You examine my mind, heart and soul and shape me into the perfect expression of Your Son, Jesus! In Christ’s name I pray. Amen

Be Blessed,

Pastor Seth <><

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Before I found Jesus, I can remember years ago a dream I used to have repeatedly. I would find myself in the middle of a crossroads and the only light present came from a street light that shined dimly above. As I looked down each street I could only see a few yards, but past that nothing but darkness. There was total silence there except the low hum of the streetlight overhead. I would start to run one way, only to come out from the other and find myself in the same spot. I felt like I was looking down on myself watching myself constantly choosing the same path, getting no where, trapped in the same darkness, in the same quiet. I wanted to yell out "Try the other way!" Eventually I got so tired and felt so hopeless that I finally quit trying and then I'd sit down until I woke up. There was only enough light in my life to see where I was. I needed something brighter if I was ever to see where I needed and wanted to go.
People who find themselves at the same crossroads have three choices: 1) They can go the way they've always gone. 2) They can just stay where they're at. 3) Go a new way. There are men, women, teenagers and children all over the world who find themselves living this dream everyday of their lives. No matter how hard or how far they run they never escape that darkness. They constantly find themselves in the silence of their captivity and bondage. They need to know that to get out of the dark, they have to come into the light.

"I will bring the blind by a way they did not know; I will lead them in paths they have not known. I will make darkness light before them, and crooked places straight." Isaiah 42:16

There are many reasons why so many find themselves trapped at this same spot but all share the same reason why they just can't find their way out. There isn't enough "Light" to see the "Way" out. Jesus came not only to show us the way out but to proclaim that He was the Way (John 14:6). Hopelessness, Fear, Discouragement, Depression all work together to try and extinguish the light but God never intended His people to live in the shadow of these things. Jesus taught His followers and He teaches us as well that true life comes through Him and Him alone. He is the LIGHT that never fades, the LIGHT that darkness cannot hide. The Word of God proclaims:

"This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all" 1 John 1:5

Jesus is calling out, searching the darkness, looking for the lost who can't seem to find their way out. What is it that has you trapped? Jesus wants to shine on you and through you! There is no darkness that He cannot overcome! There are no chains that He cannot break! There is no tear that He cannot take away. There is no sin that His blood cannot cover. Jesus is calling...calling you out of the darkness (Eph. 5:8) so that you can shine your light in someone else's.

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven" Matthew 5:16

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New Shoes

I remember when I was young, the days leading up to the first day of school for the new year. Mom would take my brothers and I to town to buy new school clothes and supplies. Now new pants and shirts and all the other stuff was great but what got me excited was new tennis shoes. Brand new, sparkling white tennis shoes! I can even remember the smell of a new pair, right out of the box, unblemished by any wear and tear just waiting to be worn.
I'd take them home and store them away greatly anticipating the first day of school and putting them on. Finally the day would come and off to school I'd go with my new backpack, supplies, jeans, coat and of course my new shoes. Oh how I'd carefully avoid any newly cut grass, sidestep puddles, and jump over and around anything that would tarnish my new shoes. At the end of the day, I'd wipe them down and place them back under my bed until the next day when I'd pull them out of the box, wipe them down and start everything all over again.
Thing was this. That routine grew old and tedious very quickly. Eventually trying to keep up with scuffs, scrapes and stains became too much and the shine began to fade. The newness had worn off, the excitement had diminished and the everyday toil began to take its toll on my tennis shoes.
We go through this in our Christian walk too don't we? Some of us live our lives in Spirit filled spurts. One moment we're moving mountains and the next we feel like we're living under one. My shoes would began to get dingy, muddy, worn out and down right even stink sometimes. Then guess what? My mom would gather them up and into the washer they'd go. A few hours after soaking, washing and basking in the sun, my worn out shoes looked as good as new!
God does this for us too.

"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7

We often start to lose our shine too. We pick up scuffs in our lives due to hard times, acquire scrapes from rough relationships and get stained because of sin in our lives. We start to lose sight of the "newness" that we experienced when we first met Jesus. Eventually like I did with my shoes, maintaining the shine gets to be very tiring and we often forget what "new shoes" feel like and look like. But then God gathers us up, soaks us in His Love, and washes us in the cleansing blood of Jesus and we too become new. God sets us out to bask in His Son and we are prepared for another wear.

"Therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death, that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life." Romans 6:4

Today do you find yourself a little worn out by the everyday toils? Do you feel like you've lost your shine? Ask God to "gather you up" and cleanse you in only the way that He can. If you find yourself living absent of the joy and excitement that you once had, ask God to "Create in me a clean heart...And renew a steadfast spirit within me."
Psalm 51:10

Maybe it's time for some new shoes?

Friday, March 20, 2009


We are an anxious bunch of people, wouldn’t you agree? We live in a world and in a way that shouts, “We want it fast, we want it now!” We hate to wait for things. Think about it and you’ll agree…we hate to wait! We hate to wait in traffic. We hate to wait in the drive thru. We hate to wait for that “something” to arrive in the mail. We hate to wait for our paycheck. We hate waiting every week for Friday to come. We’re in a hurry and want things to happen just when we want them to. But the saying is certainly true, GOOD THINGS COME TO THOSE WHO WAIT! I would go a step further if I may?


“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for Him.” Isaiah 30:18

God knows all things wouldn’t you agree? So if we agree that He knows all things then we must also agree that knowing all things also means knowing when to allow all things to pass. God is not some makeshift fortuneteller. He’s the Teller of All Things! God knows all things, sees all things and holds all things in the palms of His Mighty Hands. Now that’s being in “Good Hands”. Trusting in the Lord also means trusting Him to orchestrate all aspects of our lives.
You see we are like fine desserts. God wants to control what goes into the mix, always thinking ahead to the finished product. He knows just the right amounts of trials to allow, the correct bits of sorrow and discipline to add and is always…. always mixing in LOVE, producing a fine and beautiful dessert. Unfortunately what happens is we try and rush the procedure trying to cut corners, skimp on ingredients and half the “baking time”. The result? A disappointing lump of cake, undercooked, flat and simply unfilling!

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord” Psalm 27:14

We all know how hard it is to be patient when urgency overwhelms us and the floodgates of anxiety are rushing in but know that the Lord is working up a fine and beautiful product in you. He knows just what you need, when you need it and WILL NOT FAIL YOU! So as the Psalmist says, “Take Heart!”, God’s in the kitchen and it’s looking good!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Open Book

I was so nervous to open this blog but since my wife did it for me I thought now is the time to put it all out there for everyone to see. The last 20 years of my life have been as different as night and day. What was before is gone and a new creation now occupies the old worn out shell. But I have come to realize that by God's grace He is making steady improvement with me. Who would of thought that I would of ended up a Christian, a missionary to Haiti and now a Full time Pastor?........God would!Wow what many mistakes I had made. Thankfully I can't recall all of them and the people I may have hurt in the process. I hope for their forgiveness.Now I walk my life striving to please Christ by what I do, what I say and by what I give. That is so different from the "all about me" attitude I harbored in my younger days. My calling is sure and focused as I preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to those who haven't had the experience of meeting Jesus as of yet. God is at work in our world today. The question is this: Are you letting Him work in you or do you find yourself on the "outside looking in". Think hard about your answer because we're all just living on borrowed time. Pastor Seth

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I would have to say without out a doubt, in my life, aside from God's free gift of Grace poured out on me, the greatest gift that I've received from God is the gift of my wife, Tia. For almost ten years she has stood by my side, supported me when I needed help, partnered with me in raising our two children and loved me when at times I was so unloveable. It is such a blessing to have that type of companion in your life. It is nice to know that someone is there to share my time, my concerns, my hopes and my dreams with. I would say that God has provided me with quite the helper in my wife. Some of you know exactly what I mean, others are still waiting for their companion and still some of you as the scriptures tell us, God has prepared for singleness. But here's the thing. Whether you're married, your husband or wife has passed away or you're single....God has provided you with a Perfect Helper, a life long companion!

"And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever, the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you." John 14:16-17

The time was quickly approaching for Jesus to fulfill His earthly mission and He was trying to prepare His disciples for what lie ahead. Soon He would leave them but He promised "not to leave them". Jesus said that God would send "a helper" that never would leave the believers of Jesus Christ. Jesus did not abandon us, and will never abandon us! Even now our Great King sits on His Heavenly throne awaiting the coming of His children into the Kingdom of God. The Helper that Jesus spoke of is clearly identified in vs. 26 of chapter 14 as the Holy Spirit who, "will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I have said to you."

So often we feel alone, like it's just us facing this whole world. We think to ourselves that it's just me in this battle and not to expect any help. Jesus said, "I am the Light", (John 8:12) meaning that He is the One who can light up our dark and alone places, and provide the help that we need to get through.
Now I'll be the first to admit that I am far from the perfect helper. Sometimes I even probably make things more difficult for my wife but with God, He'll always provide what He knows we need, help when He sees us struggling, and step up and in when we seem to only fall down.
I'm sure you've heard the saying "you can't be all things to all people". How true that is. I know that no matter how hard I try I will never be able to be my wife's perfect helper or vise versa but God, through Jesus Christ, with the help of the Holy Spirit can be our "ALL IN ALL".

"May the Lord answer you in the day of trouble; May the name of the God of Jacob defend you; May He send you help from the sanctuary, and strengthen you out of Zion; May he remember all your offerings, and accept your burnt sacrifice. May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose." Psalm 20:1-4

Sunday, February 22, 2009


"Finally, brethren, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things. The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you." Philippians 4:8-9

I remember playing little league baseball when I was young. I remember walking up to the plate in anticipation of hitting the game-winning home run. I remember standing there waiting for the pitch but often looking around at everything else that was going on around me.


I would hunker down, pound my bat on the plate, spit (because the big timers did that!), and take my practice swing. But then I'd start looking elsewhere again, seeing what was happening in the other dugout, the stands, or the concession booth.


"TIME-OUT!!" my coach would holler and he would patiently start his walk to the plate to speak with me. He'd put his hand on my shoulder, kneel to make eye contact with me and calmly say, "Keep your eye on the ball.". Now obviously the fantastic finish to this story would be to say that the next pitch came, there was a crack, loud earth-shattering cheers as I rounded the bases and headed home to my waiting fans who would then hoist me upon their shoulders and carry me off in glory. But the truth is my next swing often resulted in the words..
"STRIKE THREE, YOU'RE OUT!" Oh well, so much for the "ole glory days".

Even though my aim was off, the Coaches directions were right on..."Keep your eye on the ball." In Philippians 4:8-9, the Apostle Paul was saying, "Focus on what's good, not on what's bad". Sure there is a lot of negative in our world today but God doesn't want us to live a life of discouragement caused by our constant focus on all that's wrong in our world and our lives. God wants us to focus on Him, what He's done for us, what He's doing for us, and what He's promised to do still! God makes us the promise in verse 9, that if we will focus on the "positives", the blessings God's bestowed on us, the answered prayers, the healings, and most of all...on His son Jesus Christ, then He will give us peace. It will be His peace, not empty temporary peace.

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." John 14:27

If we will "Keep our eyes on the ball", if we will keep our eyes "fixed on Jesus", we will always hit a home run. The "Coach" will smile, the angels will shout, and all of God's people with cheer..."Amen".


This past weekend millions of football fans watched the Superbowl played. What an exciting game it was to watch, especially for fans of the Pittsburgh Steelers. However, fans of the Arizona Cardinals were left thinking how close they'd come to enjoying their first Superbowl Championship. I wonder how many fans spent this week saying, "if only this would've happened" or "they should've ran this play" or even "I could've done much better!". Across the United States no doubt many "Armchair Quarterbacks" rose up to criticize the team they so faithfully had once been supporting. That's the funny thing about sports fans. One moment their cheering for you and the next they're sneering at you. How quick the tide can change when things aren't going as well as some would like?

This is also a growing problem in churches today as fans or members cheer when programs are booming, attendance is up, offerings are high, and everyone is "winning". But just like in sports, sometimes it's hard if not impossible to stay at the top of the game. There's re-building phases, personnel changes, and down-right slow times of progress. But here's the thing. A true fan is a fan in good times and bad. They're always there to lend support and encourage their team. What kind of fan are you?

"but exhort one another daily, while it is called "Today", lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin" Hebrews 3:14

The great thing about a team is that despite who's on the field at the time, the rest of the players are on the sidelines cheering them on. One thing the players on the sidelines know is that they must be prepared to run onto the field when they're called, ready to contribute to the effort. Churches are full of people who are actively doing the best they can to serve God. Sometimes they're going full steam ahead and sometimes the tank is running a little low. Church leaders, youth leaders, teachers, music teams, and every other member of the church needs "YOU" cheering them on to the "End zone", to the finishing line!

It can be so easy to find ourselves yelling "for" one another one moment and then "at" another the next. Let us as a team look upon each other with the same love and compassion that Christ would show us? No matter what the scoreboard says at the end of the day, we are VICTORS together with Jesus Christ. GO TEAM!!


This past Tuesday after seven months of procrastination I finally went and had my root canal. As many of you know from a CROSSTRAINER that I wrote way back then, I have a terrible fear of the dentist office. In the last few weeks pain had started to set in and I was started to realize that this problem wasn't going to go away on it's own. Even with the pain I wasn't ready to make that dreadful trip to the dentist office but something happened. God sent people who love and care about me to insist that I get the problem fixed. God sent many "preachers" to me to let me know that if I didn't get the problem taken care of....their were going to be some grave consequences!! Has God been sending you messages? Has God sent people into your life who seem to be urging you one way or the other? Is there something inside of you that you need to allow God to remove? Is there something that's causing separation between you and God? Maybe it's a wrong attitude, misplaced obedience, a harmful habit or maybe it is some form of unforgiveness or anger that you can't let go of. Jesus Christ is the Great Physician and He alone is able to take these things from you and give you something much more valuable back.....FREEDOM, VICTORY AND LIFE!!
"Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; Put away the evil of your doings from before My eyes. Cease to do evil." Isaiah 1:16
Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and many other Old Testament prophets preached the same message. They were telling the people to deal with the problem of sin in their lives, before it was too late. Sure to let go of what had been so common to the people of that day would be difficult and even a little painful but in the end God would bring a blessing upon His people. The people of that day and of our day have this in common; we are all plagued by the disease of sin and it must be dealt with. Like with my dentist visit, it's going to take some "deep probing work" to get to the "root" of the problem, but in the end God will bless us and create in us a cleaner, healthier spirit if we'll only make our way to the cross, the place where Jesus performs His best work!
I pray today that you would allow God to examine your heart, your mind and your soul so that He might take from you that which ails you and will cause you harm. I pray that what causes you pain in your life be exposed so that it might be surrendered to Almighty God who alone is able to cure you of all unrighteousness.
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10