Monday, September 7, 2009

A Look In The Mirror

I notice as I get older, things start to change. Hair that was once always brown now is speckled with tinges of gray. A face that once was gleaming with youth now is creased with the wrinkles of time. I remember the slender more athletic me of my high school days but now standing in front of the mirror a rounder me stares back! I really don’t like that guy! That’s the thing about mirrors. They will project just what’s in front of them. We may imagine something else but the truth is staring us right in the face. Sometimes it takes standing in front of the mirror and examining ourselves to move us to make a change of some sort in our lives. It may be a haircut or color. It may be purchasing some of that anti-aging cream (which doesn’t work!). Examining ourselves may mean starting an exercise routine to get ourselves back into shape.
When it comes to our spiritual body, we too must take time to examine ourselves to see if we’re maintaining the likeness of Jesus Christ.

“Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind; for your love is ever before me, and I walk continually in your truth.” Psalm 26:2-3

King David in the 26th Psalm recognized some things that were out of sorts in his life. He pleads for God to “test me” and “examine my heart and mind” so that he could be rid of anything that was hindering his life. David placed himself in front of the mirror and saw what he didn’t want to see, a life that needed forgiven, redeemed and restored.

When we stand in front of God, we are told that His love is always before us, shaping into the likeness of His beloved son Jesus Christ. We can choose to see what we want to see but we’re only fooling ourselves. We trick ourselves into believing that “we’re ok” and “at least I’m not as bad as….”. We don’t like what we see or what we’ve become and we choose to deny our problem. The real problem, change doesn’t happen until we initiate it.

As uncomfortable as it is, we must all step up to the mirror and take a look. We may not like the person staring back at us but God says “I can change you!” God is the ultimate “makeover specialist”. Today is the day of your makeover!

Father God, Forgive me if I’ve become anything but the child You’ve always wanted me to be. I pray today that You examine my mind, heart and soul and shape me into the perfect expression of Your Son, Jesus! In Christ’s name I pray. Amen

Be Blessed,

Pastor Seth <><

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